A Joint Friendship Project 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations between China and Malaysia (China Post version)

In Joint Issues, it is very hard to find great collaboration to make Joint FDCs. Stamps are super easy to get from joint countries, it is a matter of how much. However, covers need careful planning and scouting of appropriate locations and the time factor.

Most joint issue collectors are experts in this field, thus they tend to be lone rangers or rather individualistic preferring to do on their own. There are good and bad, good as you can control the work, bad when you miss the boat and the project fails when the postmark is no longer available. Then again there are those with wide networks who can get it done.

Here is a nice friendship collaboration. The rush was on as the covers arrived…

The first was to lay it out. I think by now you would have figured out that it fits!!!

Then the drive is on! First stop is where Malaysia’s Federal Government’s administrative capital is located… none other than Putrajaya!

That being done, the next will be the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

I just could not resist matching the 50 years logo with the Petronas Twin Towers in KLCC with the KLCC Post Office special cancellation!

With that the first joint cover project with my first friend is completed! Can’t wait for the second project.

I always WELCOME collaboration even if to buy stamps for you. I DO NOT do EXCHANGES as I rarely collect any items without Malaysia’s theme. Exchanges of CLEAN NON-POSTED FDCs of joint issues are welcome too.













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